The config.yml

config.yml in the root directory.

# - Whether the bot is running on production.
# - If `development`, it will sync the slash commands into a single guild 
#     which is defined in property `main_guild` below.
# - If `production`, it will sync the slash commands globally 
#     unless `multiguild` property is set to `false` 
#     so the slash commands will only be synced into a single guild
#     which is defined in property `main_guild` below.
environment: 'development'

# - Bot's token that will be used to authenticate to the Discord API.
# Obtained at
token: 'mysuper.secret.tokenxdxd'

# - The Main Server/Guild of the Bot.
# - This is a string of a Guild/Server ID.
# - This is also where slash commands will be synced during `development` 
#     which is specified in the property `environment`.
# - This property is ignored when the property `environment` is set to 
#     `production` and if property `multiguild` is set to `true`
main_guild: '1231231231231231'

# - Whether the bot can/should run in multiple discord servers.
# - This property is ignored when the property `environment` is set to `development`
#     unless property `sharding` is set to `true`
multiguild: false

# - Whether the bot should enable sharding.
# - This property is ignored when property `multiguild` is set to `false`
# - See more at
sharding: false

Last updated